"Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." Matthew 13:43
Jesus had just finished explaining the parable of the tares and compared the brightness of the sun. Do you know how bright that is?
If you think of the sun as a hoss daddy light bulb, that's 380 septillion watts (380 with 24 zeros after it). Compare that to the average 60 watt in your ceiling fan. Talking about the brightest crayon in the box, huh?
Scientists tell us that if the sun stored it's energy and didn't give it out, it would just get hotter and hotter and hotter and then..... BOOM!!! Giving warmth and light is the sun's way to keep shining and producing warmth.
That's EXACTLY the way followers of Christ can be described. Jesus said, "It is better to give than to recieve." (Acts 20:35). By giving we continue to be able to give. When we stop giving, our "temperature" rises, and might go BOOM! Well, not really, but people have tendencies to blow up over little things.
So be like the sun and shine your light for Him by providing THE LIGHT to others! Stay strong in Him!!!